Check out heartwarming cousins quotes and sayings about brothers and sisters. Find timeless expressions that celebrate the bond between cousins, perfect for sharing with your beloved family members. Dive into a collection of inspirational quotes that capture the essence of kinship and lifelong relationships.

Cousins are different beautiful flowers in the same garden – Author Unknown.
Cousins are those childhood playmates who grow up to be forever friends – Author Unknown.
Friends are forever, cousins are for life – Author Unknown.
Cousins by blood, best friends since birth – Author Unknown.
A cousin is a ready-made friend for life – Author Unknown.
Cousins are some that are always there for you no matter what happened – Author Unknown.
Win, lose or draw, you’re all my cousins and I love you – Chill Wills.
Cousins are friends that will love you forever – Constance Richards.
Every man sees in his relatives, and especially in his cousins, a series of grotesque caricatures of himself – H. L. Mencken.
A lot of people would rather tour sewers than visit their cousins – Jane Howard.
I’ve got cousins galore. Mexicans just spread all their seeds. And the women just pop them out – Jessica Alba.
Cousins Quotes Short

Brothers and sisters are as close as hands and feet – Proverb.
All plants are our brothers and sisters. They talk to us and if we listen, we can hear them – Proverb.
We’ve had cloning in the South for years. It’s called cousins – Robin Williams.
“Cousins are connected heart to heart, distance and time can’t break them apart.”
“Cousins are those rare jewels of childhood that become treasured memories of adulthood.”
“Cousins are childhood playmates who grow up to be forever friends.”
“Cousins are like stars, you don’t always see them, but you know they’re always there.”
“Cousins are the first friends we have as children. No one will ever understand your crazy family like your cousins do.”
Cousins Quotes For Instagram

“Cousins are those childhood playmates who grow up to be forever friends.”
“Cousins by blood, friends by choice.”
“Cousins are like snowflakes, each one is unique and special in their own way.”
“Cousins are like puzzle pieces, always different but still connected.”
“Cousins are the best kind of family. They bring joy to your life just by being themselves.”
“Cousins are the perfect blend of childhood playmates and lifelong friends.”
“Cousins are built-in best friends.”
“Cousins are God’s way of apologizing for siblings.”
“Cousins are like siblings you never had.”
“Cousins are the siblings we choose for ourselves.”
“Cousins: the ones we fight with, laugh with, and love with.”
“Cousins are the family that we choose for ourselves.”
“Cousins are the friends who will love you forever.”
“Cousins are the best kind of therapy.”
Savage Cousins Quotes For Instagram

“Cousins are the ones who make you smile a little brighter and laugh a little louder.”
“Cousins are like chocolate chips in the cookie of life.”
“Cousins are the family we didn’t know we needed.”
“Cousins are like flowers in the garden of life.”
“Cousins are the key to many of our childhood memories.”
“Cousins are the spice of life.”

“Cousins are the ones who make life a little sweeter and a little crazier.”
“Cousins are the heartbeat of our family.”
“Cousins are the stars in the family galaxy.”
“Cousins are the diamonds in the family crown.”
“Cousins are the sunshine of our family tree.”
“Cousins are the family glue.”

“Cousins are the threads that hold our family together.”
“Cousins are the joy of our hearts.”
“Cousins are the laughter in our family.”
“Cousins are the melody in the symphony of our family life.”
“Cousins are the rhythm in the dance of our family.”
“Cousins are the spark in the fireworks of our family celebrations.”
“Cousins are the warmth in the embrace of our family.”
“Cousins are the colors in the painting of our family.”
“Cousins are the words in the story of our family.”
“Cousins are the magic in the moments of our family.”
“Cousins are the heartbeats in the rhythm of our family.”

“Cousins are the treasure in the chest of our family memories.”
“Cousins are the blessings in the prayers of our family.”
“Cousins are the stars that light up the night sky of our family.”
“Cousins are the wings that lift us higher in the journey of our family.”
“Cousins are the strength in the struggles of our family.”
“Cousins are the dreams in the sleep of our family.”
“Cousins are the rainbows after the storms in our family.”
“Cousins are the love that knows no bounds in our family.”
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