Celebrate love and commitment with our collection of heartwarming wedding quotes. Whether you’re getting married yourself or simply looking for inspiration, these quotes will remind you of the beauty and significance of the special bond between two people in love.
Best Wedding Quotes, Sayings about Marriage

An archaeologist is the best husband a woman can have. The older she gets, the more interested he is in her – Agatha Christie.
Any woman can fool a man if she wants to and if he’s in love with her – Agatha Christie.
Bride. A woman with a fine prospect of happiness behind her – Ambrose Bierce.
A happy marriage is a long conversation that always seems too short – Andre Maurois.
Marriage is a three ring circus: engagement ring, wedding ring, and suffering – Anonymous.
Marriage a book of which the first chapter is written in poetry and the remaining chapters written in prose – Beverly Nichols.
We sat side by side in the morning light and looked out at the future together – Brian Andres.
The trouble with some woman is that they get all excited about nothing, and then marry him – Cher.
Beautiful Wedding Quotes For Your Happily Ever After

A happy marriage is a new beginning of life, a new starting point for happiness and usefulness – Dean Stanley.
I require only three things of a man. He must be handsome, ruthless and stupid – Dorothy Parker.
In all of the wedding cake, hope is the sweetest of plums – Douglas William Jerrold.
After all there is something about a wedding-gown prettier than in any other gown in the world – Douglas William Jerrold.
Marriage is the mother of the world and preserves kingdoms, and fills cities, and churches, and heaven itself – Dr. Jeremy Taylor.
Two human loves make one divine – Elizabeth Barrett Browning.
Whatever souls are made of, his and mine are the same – Emily Bronte.
Two souls with but a single thought, Two hearts that beat as one – Friedrich Halm.
Marriage is ever made by destiny – George Chapman.
In Hollywood, brides keep the bouquets and throw away the groom – Groucho Marx.
I was married by a judge. I should have asked for a jury – Groucho Marx.
Marriage is a wonderful institution, but who wants to live in an institution? – Groucho Marx.
Before marriage a man will lay awake all night thinking about something you said; after marriage he’ll fall asleep before you have finished saying it – Helen Rowland.
Wedding: the point at which a man stops toasting a woman and begins roasting her – Helen Rowland.
Live the life you’ve dreamed – Henry David Thoreau.
One should believe in marriage as in the immortality of the soul – Honore de Balzac.
There are three things that last: faith, hope and love, and the greatest of these is love – I Corinthians.
Marrying a man is like buying something you’ve been admiring for a long time in a shop window. You may love it when you get home, but it doesn’t always go with everything else in the house – Jean Kerr.
Wedding is destiny, and hanging likewise – John Heywood.
Marriages are made in heaven and consummated on Earth – John Lyly.
A woman seldom asks advice before she has bought her wedding clothes – Joseph Addison.
I never married because I have three pets at home that answer the same purpose as a husband. I have a dog that growls every morning, a parrot that swears all afternoon and a cat that comes home late at night – Marie Corelli.
There is no more lovely, friendly and charming relationship, communion or company than a good marriage – Martin Luther.
There is no such cozy combination as man and wife – Menander.
A successful marriage requires falling in love many times, always with the same person – Mignon McLaughlin.
Hail, wedded love, mysterious law; true source of human happiness – Milton.
A wedding anniversary is the celebration of love, trust, partnership, tolerance, and tenacity. The order varies for any given year – Paul Sweeney.
Never go to bed mad. Stay up and fight – Phyllis Diller.
Let us celebrate the occasion with wine and sweet words – Plautus.
The woman cries before the wedding and the man after – Polish Proverb.
Marriage is the perfection of what love aimed at, ignorant of what it sought – Ralph Waldo Emerson.
I love being married. It’s so great to find that one special person you want to annoy for the rest of your life – Rita Rudner.
It’s a funny thing that when a man hasn’t anything on earth to worry about, he goes off and gets married – Robert Frost.
Marriage has many pains, but celibacy has no pleasures – Samuel Johnson.
Your words are my food, your breath my wine. You are everything to me – Sarah Bernhardt.
By all means marry. If you get a good wife you will become happy – If you get a bad one you will become a philosopher – Socrates.
Grace and remembrance be to you both – William Shakespeare.
Love makes your soul crawl out from its hiding place – Zora Neale Hurston.
A man in love is incomplete until he is married. Then he’s finished – Zsa Zsa Gabor.
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